Hello, I’m
Marmee. My whole family adores Little
House on the Prairie and Little Women. We love the books, the movie, the television
series; we love it all. Since we also
have four daughters like the families in these books, I thought it would be fitting
to name this blog “Little Women on the Prairie.”
In the past
I have taught middle school language arts in a public school and GED prep and
reading skills at an adult learning center.
When my oldest daughter was in first grade, we decided to homeschool. We love unit studies and interest-driven
studies. We are not big on workbooks,
but we enjoy reading, writing, and creating projects. Two of my girls are in high school and two
are in preschool/kindergarten, so we are currently learning everything from counting and
letter sounds to Geometry and Shakespeare.
We also run
a Christian mission in our town.
Basically we try to reach out to children and families in our community. We try to meet physical needs by supplying
people with food and clothing and spiritual needs by having family services,
youth nights, and Bible studies.
Things can
get a little crazy with all that going on.
Sometimes I have to remind myself that no matter what the day brings,
“This is the day the Lord has made. I
will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm
118:24 My girls know this verse well
since I have many a time recited it through gritted teeth, trying my very best
to rejoice in a day gone wrong. I am not
a perfectly put together mom who only feeds her kids organic foods. I am just a wife and mom, and I don’t have
all the answers, but I’m happy to share what I do know, and if I know my girls,
I will be learning something new every day!
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